Thursday, September 25, 2008

women are better than men

An article in USA Today discussed the statistics from a survey on the power struggle in households and who wears the pants in the relationship, so to speak.
It turns out women are gaining power and men are giving it up willingly.

Have men become to lazy? Do women just have a new sense of authority over all?

The article discusses why it is women are making the decisions in the household and men are letting them.
Women are always changing and always growing and it seems men have just put up the white flag.
Have men just realized, "women are usually right anyway so why not let them do our bidding?"
You can see it all over sitcoms and dramas and really every where you see relationships in action, Men follow women because we have a power and intelligence that men don't often utilize.
Can men take care of themselves? I'm sure most can if they put their mind to it.
I suppose it's just so much easier to let someone else do it for you especially when you know they will do what is in your best interest because they love you.
The results showed that out of 1,260 people surveyed, 43% the women make the major decisions for the household.
What happened men? After fire you just sort of let us take over.

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