Thursday, October 2, 2008

Senate votes 'Yes' to billion dollar bailout.

After being rejected on Tuesday the Bailout Bill finally passed the U.S. Senate last night with a 74-25 victory.

The plan wasn't perfect to start off with and needed some revisions. Compromises were made and now there is a plan of action that satisfies most delegates.

According to USA Today, the new plan includes giving the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. the authority it needs to increase the size of bank deposits it insures from $100,000 to $250,000. The plan also includes tax breaks.

The big question is why is the bill requiring health insurers to offer mental health coverage on a par with other benefits?

The answer is of course to do whatever it may take to get this bill passed and into action, regardless of the debt it will add on in the end. The additives to the bill are estimated to cost 120 billion extra to the already high $700 billion already planned to be spent over the next 10 years said Andrew Taylor, of the Associated Press.

The push for this bill seems to be a means to the end of the American people's panic attack that started weeks ago when the Dow Jones plummeted and banks started going under.
The general wonderment is will this extra deficit ever go away or will America's economy continue to take a beating?

I think everyone just wants a solution no matter what the consequence may be later, my thoughts are, haven't we done that already? Haven't we made enough hasty decisions.
All the American people can do is to wait and see if the bailout plan works, assuming it's passed by the house of representatives on Friday night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AP Style is used intermittently. Next time, please link the articles you use to your post. Watch your grammar. This blog is a good length.